The School Education Pilot Course

The Austria team developed a School Education Course as an example of good practice for the transfer of the CICERO course to school education. The Austrian team also tested the course in an upper high school (in German language) This transfer has been done on two levels:

  • Technical Level
    The course has been implemented on a Moodle server with a lower version number as the CICERO server had. This proofs the simple and possible downgrade of the course to other Moodle servers.
  • The course had been developed matching to a given curriculum The method of “Backward Design” has been used to create the learning outcomes (in accordance with the curriculum), from this starting point the team developed the evaluation. Finally, the necessary training content has been selected from the CICERO course and implemented on the server.

Further details are available from the Transferability Guide

From the feedback data of the School Education Course, the Austrian team had created a short video.

Video: Feedback from the School Education Pilot Course (used software: AniMaker, Adobe Premiere, Audacity)