Project Activities

The project activities focus on the development of a Blended Learning course for adults. This course will use photography as the engine to develop certain digital competence of the course participants. These competences are taken from the DigComp Framework 2.0 of the European Community.

The major activities of the consortium members are:

  1. Course Development
    The result will be a course teaching essential of photography (like image composition, technical issues, physical background, and digital competences like image editing).
  2. Database Cultural Heritage Implementation
    After each course a photography competition is implemented focusing on typical images showing elements of our European Cultural Heritage.
    These images will be available also after the project’s lifetime as open resourses under a Creative Commons License.
  3. Transferability & Evaluation Guide
    This document will describe the use of the course (or specific training units of the course) in other educational fields.
    EBI will care for an optimized use of course parts in School Education (focusing in creative subjects such as visual education), Arrabal will develop a transfer to vocational education providing special competences in the field of advertisement, or photographers supplying SMEs for their webpages.

In the frame of the project four transnational meetings have been planned, and a learning, training and teaching event in Porto.

At the end of the project a specific dissemination event is planned and will be implemented by the University of Stockholm.